School AV
Church AV
Instructional Materials and Equipment Distributors
Conference Room AV
(323) 879-0377
(323) 272-5260
(310) 473-5558
(800) 352-7423 (Toll Free, Inside CA)
1520 Cotner Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025 (Map)
Fax: (310) 312-1743
School AV Equipment and Supplies: Digital Projectors, Overhead Projectors , Cassette Duplicators, CD Duplicators, DVD Recorders, Overhead Transparencies, AV Carts, Easels, Headphones
Audio Visual Equipment and Supplies
Serving Education - Industry - Church Since 1957
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Blister Electric
I-MED Instructional Materials
Dyslexia - Books and Tapes - PhonicsPerceptual Skills, History, Science
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(All orders must be placed by Telephone, Fax or Regular Mail)
Instructional Materials and Equipment Distributors